Stone Crusher Machine Impact Crusher

Impact Crusher

Impact Crusher

The process of crusher stone is done by using different stone crusher machine. Hard rock type requires stone crusher machine with very high pressure and strong stone crusher machine material. On this occasion, we will discuss about the engine impact crusher.

Impact Crusher is a stone crusher machine that is used to solve the type of medium stone and soft stone. This machine is used for mineral processing such as limestone, calcite, granite, barite, gypsy sum, concrete. In general, this machine is an advanced processor of the rocks that have been processed by primary crusher. Impact Crusher is widely used in several types of work such as in mining, highways, railroad tracks, and some types of construction buildings. Impact Crusher is a processing machine that can produce gravel and sand with excellent quality.

How the Impact Crusher machine works.
Impact Crusher is a type of stone crusher by using a collision process against the rocks that were inserted. Impact Crusher has a rotor that rotates at a high speed, when the material enters the blow bar work area, the material will be strokes by the blow bar and thrown into a collision device around the rotor. The Material will be out of the bleed hole until it is destroyed according to the required size. The distance between the impact rack and rotor can adjust the size and shape of the final product.

Some of the advantages of impact Crusher is to have a unique shape, keyless connection on each element so that it is easy to assemble and use a little power. Impact Crusher also has a high chrome hammer and a special impact liner plate. The learance is easily adjusted between the impact of Plante and blew bar, smooth cubic form. Two cavity or three cavity rooms with different advantages.

The Impact Crusher is a second-level stone-crusher machine. Inputs entered into this machine is the result of the processing of primary crusher. The better input inputs will produce the output with good quality anyway.